
View of new outdoor concrete stairs with handrail

Highland-Guilford Steps & Handrail Project

Highland-Guilford Steps & Handrail Project City Of Piedmont, California Coastland | DCCM provided design engineering and construction management for renovations on the Highland-Guilford Steps and Handrail Project, which did not meet current building code or ADA requirements for exterior steps. This project transformed what had been originally envisioned as an informal pedestrian pathway into a grand entrance to the Piedmont Park Cherry Walk and Tea House.  The renovation replaced the exposed aggregate concrete and rough railroad ties of the former walkway with a reconfigured concrete stairway featuring multiple landings, lined on both sides by a decorative metal handrail. For a green infrastructure component, at the Highland Avenue entrance, the sidewalk was replaced with a small pedestrian plaza composed of fully permeable pavers. New LED ornamental lamps were also installed to illuminate the steps and pathway. 

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East Blithedale Avenue Rehabilitation

East Blithedale Avenue Rehabilitation City of Mill Valley, California East Blithedale Avenue is a vital arterial corridor in the City of Mill Valley that links the downtown area to US Highway 101 and is the northern gateway into the City’s residential, school, and business areas. Coastland | DCCM’s Construction Management and Inspection team has been involved in the East Blithedale Avenue Rehabilitation Project from the beginning, first conducting a constructability review for the project and assisting the City with the Caltrans encroachment permit application, and currently providing construction management and inspection services for the project.  East Blithedale Avenue provides multimodal access to transit and nearby schools, parks, trails, recreation facilities, and businesses and is also the primary emergency response and resident evacuation route for much of the city’s population. This critical roadway also experiences frequent traffic congestion during the peak periods. Given the importance of this roadway to the community this project has garnered a high level of public attention and is one of the most sensitive Public Works projects undertaken in Mill Valley.  The project includes major pavement rehabilitation, upgrading and replacing sanitary sewer pipe and other public utility infrastructure within the roadway easement, new curb, gutter, and sidewalk, including ADA-compliant upgrades, installation of new bike lanes, and upgrades to existing traffic signals. The project will result in improved circulation and safer access to local residential areas, schools and businesses.  Coastland | DCCM’s construction management and inspection efforts focus largely on effective, efficient and consistent communication between the City, the contractor and the community, including bike riders, pedestrians, and businesses affected by project construction in order to anticipate and avoid disruptions. Coastland | DCCM provides contractor safety oversight with construction safety for their labor force and the public and  ensures traffic control plans are implemented per the approved submittal, to ensure ADA compliance, and pedestrian and motorist safety.  Coastland | DCCM staff provides Contractor oversight to ensure the City receives quality workmanship and finished product conforming with the project plans and specifications. Vital to the ongoing success of this project has been Coastland | DCCM’s ability to keep city staff informed regarding costs, anticipated issues and project changes, public relations, and construction progress. 

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View looking down the street at the Lucas Valley Road Curve Realignment Project while under construction

Lucas Valley Road Curve Realignment

Lucas Valley Road Curve Realignment County of Marin, California Coastland | DCCM provided construction management and inspection services to Marin County for the Lucas Valley Road Curve Realignment Project. Services on this HSIP funded project included constructability review, construction contract administration, quality assurance and inspection, material testing, and public outreach.  The public safety improvement significantly softened the sharp turn, which had been the site of several vehicle incidents over the years.  The Project realigned the curve on Lucas Valley Road at milepost 5.08, just east of Big Rock trailhead in West Marin.  A soldier pile retaining wall with precast concrete lagging was installed on the downhill side of the turn.  The project also included modifications to storm drain infrastructure and the installation of a safety barrier and guardrail.   Site restoration included planting to mitigate construction impacts. Activities in support of construction included public outreach, traffic controls, locating existing utilities by potholing, erosion control, and water pollution control.  Construction was completed in 2022 for the budgeted construction cost of $1.8 million. 

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A crane installing a foot bridge

Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail

Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail City of Citrus Heights, California Coastland | DCCM is providing construction management, inspection, and materials testing services for the Arcade-Cripple Creek Trail Project, the first city-wide trail in the City of Citrus Heights. The project includes the construction of a 2.9-mile paved multi-use trail, curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements, drainage improvements, traffic signal modifications, two pre-engineered steel pedestrian bridges, replacement of existing pedestrian bridge with a new 42-foot bridge, and installation of a new pedestrian bridge spanning 128-feet near the trail termination.  The project is located within the City of Citrus Heights and the unincorporated community of Orangevale in Sacramento County. Once complete the project will connect several neighborhoods to eight parks, several schools and the Sunrise MarketPlace.  The project is funded by State Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant funds, which provide funds for projects that increase active transportation such as walking and biking and requires comprehensive knowledge of the state funding process to maintain the schedule and budget. 

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Aerial view of repairs to Bolinas Road where a slide impacted the eastbound travel lane

Bolinas Road Emergency Slide Repair

Bolinas Road Emergency Slide Repair County of Marin, California Coastland | DCCM provided construction management and inspection services, including Resident Engineer services, to the County of Marin for the Bolinas Road Emergency Slide Repair Project. The project includes repairs to Bolinas Road where a slide impacted the eastbound travel lane. The project included construction of a 102 linear-foot retaining wall with H beam soldier piles, precast concrete lagging, pavement grinding, roadway excavation, asphalt paving, re-grading the road with superelevation, asphalt dike clearing and grubbing, guardrail installation, painted traffic striping, hydroseeding and planting, and related incidental work.  As part of this project Coastland | DCCM coordinated and led the pre-construction meeting and pre-construction site visit, managed and coordinated daily field inspections and associated documentation, progress meetings and status reports, including requests for information (RFIs) and change orders, and post-construction meeting/project closeout. Additional project tasks included public outreach, traffic control measures, locating existing utilities by potholing, erosion control, and water pollution control. 

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Coffey Park repavement under construction

Coffey Park and Fountaingrove Neighborhood Road Fire Disaster Recovery

Coffey Park and Fountaingrove Neighborhood Road Fire Disaster Recovery City of Santa Rosa, California Coastland | DCCM is providing construction management and inspection services to the City of Santa Rosa for the Coffey Park and Fountaingrove Neighborhood Road Disaster Recovery project. This project includes rehabilitation of approximately 33 miles of City residential streets that were damaged as result of debris removal activities in the Coffey Park and Fountaingrove neighborhoods following the 2017 Tubbs Fire. The project involves mill and fill asphalt replacement and digout repairs with a slurry seal depending on specific roadway conditions. The project also includes removal and replacement of concrete sidewalk, curb and gutters and replacement of curb ramps on streets that require modification to meet ADA compliance, as well as the restoration of traffic striping and markers. As part of this project Coastland | DCCM is overseeing traffic management, including ADA-compliant pedestrian access, temporary construction signs, placement of Portable Changeable Message Signs (PCMS), flagging and traffic controls and signage. Traffic control requirements differ between the two neighborhoods, each of which have different constraints, and our team is actively involved in the development of specific traffic control plans. Our inspection staff is monitoring the contractor’s implementation and maintenance of stormwater pollution controls measures and we are providing support to City staff who are overseeing public outreach and materials testing services for this project.  

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View of 36-foot wide arch culvert creek crossings

Mitchell/Shiloh/Conde Drainage & Roadway Improvements

Mitchell/Shiloh/Conde Drainage & Roadway Improvements Town of Windsor, California Coastland | DCCM completed design and project management for three 36-foot wide arch culvert creek crossings, 1.5 miles of roadway extensions, reconstruction and overlays, new sidewalk, drainage improvements, storm drain creek outfalls, water and sewer main extensions, new travel lanes and bike lanes, electrical facilities, railroad warning installation, at-grade rail crossings, median island construction, lighting, traffic signals, water and reclaimed water systems, and landscaping.      The project included overseeing several subconsultants for various components of the design. Coordination with the NWPRR railroad, SMART, Caltrans, property owners, utility companies, and regulatory agencies (Fish and Wildlife, Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board) was essential. The construction cost is approximately $7.5 million.  

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Construction workers correcting an embankment slide along a roadway

Lakeshore Drive Emergency Repair

Lakeshore Drive Emergency Repair City of Clearlake, California Winter storms in late 2005 and early 2006 resulted in an embankment slide along Lakeshore Drive just north of San Joaquin Avenue. The embankment slide resulted in the loss of the paved shoulder in the outboard edge of the roadway. Coastland | DCCM completed design services for the City of Clearlake to repair the landslide. The federally funded Emergency Restoration (ER) project included widening the inside northbound lane by cutting into the existing embankment to create a uniform curve approximately 475 feet in length. The widening also included providing a drainage ditch along the uphill side of the road and an AC berm along the downhill side of the road to reduce surface water from migrating onto the downhill slope embankment. To further reduce the potential for future slipping of the roadway, launched soil nails were used to reinforce the slope. The installation of the launched soil nails incorporated a reinforced shotcrete cap and were inserted into existing soil masses by high-pressure air. In addition to design services, Coastland | DCCM provided bid support and construction design support services. The project also required extensive coordination with Caltrans to meet funding requirements.

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FEMA/CALEMA Erosion Control Projects

FEMA/CALEMA Erosion Control Projects County of Napa, California Coastland | DCCM currently provides civil engineering services for the repair of several FEMA and State funded flood repair projects throughout Napa County. These projects include the design and construction of repairs to County roads and bridges that were damaged during severe rainstorms. The rainstorms saturated soil and flooded drainage channels which caused road slides and stream channel erosion at bridge structures. The design of the repairs follow FEMA funding guidelines and requirements including performing geotechnical evaluations, evaluating design alternatives, designing soldier pile retaining walls with tiebacks and reconstructing the damaged roadways. Improvements include stabilizing the slides, reconstructing the roadway to conform to the existing road in both width and structural section and addressing local surface and subsurface drainage. The projects Coastland | DCCM has designed to date include the following: Westgate Bridge over Milliken Creek Whitehall Lane FEMA Road Repair Diamond Mountain Roadway Repair 4700 Block Redwood Road Slide Repair 4800 Block Redwood Road Slide Repair, Phases 1 & 2 White Sulphur Springs Flood Repair (CalEMA) Coastland’s responsibilities include project management, designing the improvements, preparation of PS&E and construction administration. Coastland also completed the construction management and inspection services associated with these projects.

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Construction workers installing tree well units along the side of a road

Talbot Avenue Storm Water Quality Project

Talbot Avenue Storm Water Quality Project City of Santa Rosa, California Coastland | DCCM designed the Talbot Avenue Improvement Project to treat water runoff by employing bioretention tree well systems and hydromodification control systems. The tree well units are custom manufactured by Filterra Bioretention Systems, housing filter media in underground concretes containers. The media capture storm water pollutants, which are decomposed, volatilized and incorporated into the filter media biomass. Treated flows are routed to underdrains that discharge into the hydromodification systems. The storm water quality improvements were constructed as part of a larger capital project serving multiple objectives, including traffic calming, pedestrian enhancements and utility improvements. The entire project was completed in 2010 at a cost of approximately $2.3 million.  The project represents a notable collaboration of City of Santa Rosa staff, Caltrans, Sonoma County Transportation Authority, North Coast Regional Water Control Board, the contractor, and Coastland | DCCM’s design and construction management teams working together to protect the environment.  The Talbot Storm Water Quality Improvement Project was selected as the winner of Storm Water Solutions Top Storm Water & Erosion Control Project of 2010. The award recognizes innovative, challenging projects that address issues such as runoff treatment, water quality monitoring and flood control. 

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