McCoy Creek Trail Phase II City of Suisun City, California Coastland | DCCM prepared plans, specifications, and cost estimates (PS&E) for the McCoy Creek Trail – Phase 2 Project. The City was awarded $3.5 million in funding for the project through the Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 4 process. Coastland | DCCM completed the design of all project elements and prepared bid-ready construction documents in time to allow for bidding, award and the start of construction at the beginning of the 2021 construction season to coincide with the programming of ATP funds for construction. The project is currently nearing the end of construction. The McCoy Creek Trail links to the Central County Bikeway and provides a strong pedestrian and bicycle backbone through the community connecting residential, commercial, educational, and governmental uses. This linking of people and neighborhoods is important and popular with the community which sees this trail as high-value. Phase 2 of the McCoy Creek trail will provide an important connection for residents to significant community institutions and the downtown area. The core element of the project is a ¾ mile long 10-foot wide concrete Class I bikeway along the west bank of the McCoy Creek from Pintail Drive north to Laurel Creek. The project includes a 160-foot free-span bridge over the creek near Humphrey Drive capable of carrying occasional light maintenance and emergency vehicles. The bridge is the centerpiece of the project. There are three mid-block street crossings that required special attention with improvements including bulb-outs, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, street lighting, high visibility crosswalks, and speed tables to help ensure safety. Project amenities include shade structures, site furnishings, minor landscaping, bioretention area(s) for treatment of stormwater, monument entrance signs, educational kiosk signs, wayfinding signs, railings, and fencing. The Coastland | DCCM team understands the importance of this project to the community and that there was considerable public interest in the project. In addition to being popular for the valuable community connections it provides; the project also affected adjacent residents. Coastland | DCCM and our subconsultant, AIM Consulting provided highly effective public outreach, education and engagement through a comprehensive public outreach campaign. This was successful in addressing public concerns, integrating solutions into the design, and gaining overwhelming public support for the project.