Old Redwood Highway Bicycle & Pedestrian Enhancements

Town of Windsor, California

Coastland | DCCM designed and managed a team of subconsultants on this project which provides connectivity for pedestrian and bicycle movements through the US101 interchange with Old Redwood Hwy. Other improvements included median islands, landscaping, pavement widening, pavement repair and an overlay over the length of the project.

Pedestrian improvements include two new pedestrian signal phases, approximately 400 linear feet of sidewalk, 13 ADA curb ramps, six standard crosswalks, one enhanced/raised crosswalk, and 12 countdown pedestrian signal heads.  The new crossings and raised crosswalk provide a more direct route for pedestrians and improve safety at the on-ramp by increasing visibility.

New bicycle facilities include approximately 2,500 linear feet of Class II bike lanes enhanced with colored asphalt, lane detector loops, and retrofit of drainage grates.  Bike facilities on ORH closed the gap between existing facilities on each side of the US 101 interchange.

Drone photo courtesy of W-Trans.

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